Jun 13, 2010

For J.'s birthday he wanted a new mountain bike, so everyone went in on this gift together. He was so excited. We only have 1 very important rule he has to follow, he has to wear his helmet every time he gets on it. A couple of weeks ago he was riding the neighbor kids bike and was going a little fast and the brakes didn't work and he ran into a wall. His knee swelled up really big and we had to take him to the doctor. We were very lucky nothing was wrong with his knee. A little swelling and some blood around the knee cap. The first thing the doctor asked him was, "Were you wearing a helmet?" I let J. answer that one. He got a big lecture from the doctor which I am grateful for and perfect timing with the new bike. Our pediatrician is very adement that kids were helmets. He told J. he was lucky he hit his knee and not his head because the damage would have been alot worse.

1 comment:

Trimble said...

Wow, glad he's okay!