Mar 27, 2010

E.'s Baptism

We had such a fun day with family and friends to celebrate E.'s baptism. We are so proud of her. She is such a wonderful fun loving and smart girl. E. is always lots of fun to be around she has such a great spirit and wonderful personality. We love her very much.
Our Family

Here is E. and Dane. Dane had the honor of baptising E. She was so excited that he came.

Here we have all of the Combes Family Grandchildren...

and here we have all of the Blaylock family Grandchildren.

Here is Staci's family.

Grandma and Grandpa Blaylock with all the grandkids.

Great-Grandma Combes and Great-Grandma Walters, with the newest member of the Combes Family Gunner.

Here is E. looking at her very own Geneology book that Grandma Combes made for her. Each grandchild gets one when they are baptized.

1 comment:

Trimble said...

So sorry we weren't able to make it. We were very sad. Glad things went well and I hope you don't mind me stealing the pic with Dane. :)